Career Center

Contact LAC, A-1097TTC, LL-206

Need Career Support, Have Questions? Schedule an in-person, virtual (zoom), or phone appointment with our career team! Select an appointment based on your career needs.

Career Exploration, Planning, & Decision-Making

  • Choosing or changing your major
  • Researching occupations
  • Deciding on a career path
  • Making major and career decisions
  • Administer and interpreting career assessments
  • Academic and course planning

Career Resources & Guidance

  • Navigating the Career Center & campus resources
  • Gathering information about majors & careers
  • Creating/updating the first draft of your resume
  • Creating a LinkedIn Profile

Internship/Job Placement

  • Tailoring your resume & cover letter
  • Preparing for an interview
  • Internship Placement
  • Searching for a job