Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields have become increasingly central to U.S. economic competitiveness and growth. Yet, industries in science and technology have twice as many job openings as there are sufficiently prepared U.S. workers ready to step into these jobs.

The DESTINO program is designed to assist STEM students with an array of student support services and academic support to reach your goal of earning your degree and transferring to the 4-year university. The DESTINO program will provide you with the following:

  • A dedicated STEM Counselor
  • STEM-focused Career Panels
  • University Field Trips and a Northern California University Tour
  • Financial Literacy and Scholarship Workshops
  • Tutoring in STEM Courses
  • Use of the DESTINO Science Center
  • Academic Success Workshops
  • Participation in the Viking Summer Voyage-STEM option
  • Mentoring through STEM faculty and Success Coaches

The DESTINO program will support all students in STEM fields and all activities are free to program participants.
