
PUENTE Program

Our mission is to increase the number of educationally underrepresented students who enroll in four-year colleges and universities, earn college degrees, and return to the community as mentors and leaders to future generations.

The Puente English

Puente students commit themselves to complete ENGLISH 1 during the Fall semester and ENGLISH 3 during the Spring semester with the same Puente-trained professor, who integrates Latino and other multicultural literature into a rigorous transfer-focused curriculum.

Academic Guidance

The Puente counselor monitors student progress towards transfer readiness and supports student success through COUNSELING 1 and COUNSELING 48 class that focuses on college success strategies, developing student education plan, leadership development, and career exploration. Following their second semester, Puente students continue to work with the Puente counselor to stay on track to achieve their transfer goals.


Puente students are matched with a mentor who is a professional and has gone through the process of completing a higher degree. Mentors share their knowledge and experiences with Puente students and provide a window into “real-life” work environments. The network of trained Puente mentors provides many resources for Puente students, their families, their colleges, and the community.

Other Activities:

  • Attending a Transfer Motivation Conference at a University Campus
  • Dia de Familia
  • UC and CSU Field Trips
  • Cultural Events or Field Trips
  • Special Guest Speakers
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Puente Club

If you’re interested in becoming part of the PUENTE Familia you can fill out the . We will contact you as soon as possible.

