Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Travel Advisement & ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵPolicy Statement
Dr. Mike Muñoz, VP of Student Services


Dear ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵstudents,

Please be advised, on Jan. 27, 2020, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued a Level 3 health travel notice (the highest threat level) recommending that all persons avoid all nonessential travel to China. Further, on Feb. 2, 2020, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued supplemental instructions indicating that any returning U.S. citizens who have traveled in China within 14 days of their arrival in the U.S. will be routed to one of seven designated airports where the government has enhanced public health resources in order to implement enhanced screening procedures. In addition, U.S. citizens who have been in Hubei province in China within 14 days of their return to the U.S. will be subject to up to 14 days of mandatory quarantine. U.S. citizens who have been in other areas of mainland China within 14 days of their return to the U.S. will be required to undergo proactive entry health screening and up to 14 days of self-quarantine with health monitoring to ensure they have not contracted the virus and do not pose a public health risk.

Also, under the DHS instructions, foreign nationals who have traveled in China within 14 days of their arrival will be denied entry into the United States (DHS Supplemental Instructions Feb. 2, 2020).

As the Long Beach Community College District is required under Education Code Section 76403(a) to cooperate with health officials and take measures necessary to prevent and control communicable diseases in students, please be advised that all persons who return to the U.S. from China during the Level 3 travel notice will not be permitted to enter campus for 14 days after leaving mainland China.

For those who plan on visiting China for any amount of time during the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, LBCCD strongly recommends considering deferring those plans or making arrangements to meet all academic and professional responsibilities.

Unless otherwise recommended by the CDC, DHS, or other appropriate agencies, it is expected that classes will continue to meet at their regularly scheduled dates and times and LBCCD attendance policies remain in effect going forward. Out of an abundance of caution, Academic Affairs, in consultation with faculty leadership, is preparing a plan in reaction to the Coronavirus. This plan, which is forthcoming, is designed to minimize disruption to instruction, including strategies to conduct classes remotely should this health crisis continue to develop and should it become necessary.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Dr. Mike Muñoz
Vice President, Student Services
(562) 938-4156