Accessibility Services

A shot of Veterans Stadium.

Accessible Seating

All accessible seating positions will be exclusively reserved for guests who are wheelchair users; have a severe physical disability that impairs their ability to ambulate; have a need for interpretation or captioning services; or have a visual impairment that severely limits their ability to ambulate.

Accessible Seating for guests who utilize wheelchairs, assistive mobility devices, or whose functional limitations include the inability to ambulate long distances

Accessible seating is available on a first come first serve basis. In order to access this seating are you must check in at one of the DSP&S tents located at the accessible entrance and the main entrance of the stadium where they will be issued an accessible seating wristbands.

Companion seats â€“ These seats are available for all accessible seating areas, although there may be no more than one (1) companion seat available for each accessible seat.

American Sign Language Interpreters & Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) Services

ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵ will provide American Sign Language Interpreters and captioning at no cost. ASL Interpreters will be stationed at the front of the platform for participants on the field. Additionally, there will be a designated section for our guests in the stands who require interpretation and or captioning services to sit and access the services. In order to access this seating you must check in at one of the DSP&S tents located at the accessible entrance and the main entrance of the stadium where you will be issued an accessible seating wristband.

Patrons with Service Animals

Trained guide dogs or service animals are permitted in Viking Stadium. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as any dog, such as a guide dog or signal dog that is individually trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. Service animals must be harnessed, leashed or tethered at all times, unless special circumstances exist, and will be required to rest in the seating area of the individual with a disability, rather than in the aisle.  Please note that Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are not considered service animals under the ADA.  Thus, Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals will not be permitted in Viking Stadium. 

Please note that the university does not provide wheelchairs. Families interested in renting wheelchairs are encouraged to contact a local provider.