25Live User Guidelines


Classrooms are used for class instruction, study or other instructional activities. Events in classrooms must be compatible with the academic nature of classrooms and academic buildings. Non-class events must not adversely impact the classroom, its contents, or the surrounding area.

Activities that are not compatible with Classrooms include amplified music, dances, dinners, parties or events that require re-furnishing of rooms or removal of equipment. Non-compatible events include any event that adversely impacts the classroom directly, or that impacts research, study or other academic pursuits in areas adjacent to classrooms.

Room Request

Reservable Rooms

ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵstaff and faculty members are able to reserve classroom spaces in 25Live for classes, and events such as meetings, study sessions, exams, guest lectures, film viewings, etc.

Please note that at this time not every District space on the ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵcampuses is reservable through 25Live as the project is being rolled out in a phased implementation.  25Live is currently only used to reserve classroom spaces and some conference rooms and event spaces. If a space you are interested in is not being displayed in 25Live, this is usually because it is not yet booked through 25Live.  Additionally, it is important to select only those rooms which are denoted as 25Live Reservable in 25Live. 

Classes have Academic Priority

Academic classes are the first and foremost priority for classroom space assignment at LBCC. The Office of Academic Services (OAS) supports the scheduling of academic classes during each academic term.

Classrooms will be released for scheduling by the campus community once academic scheduling is complete in each new term. OAS recommends a one week waiting period after the start of a new term before submitting a reservation for a classroom in a new term

Please note that classroom location assignments are always tentative and subject to reassignment. Should a class be assigned to the classroom your event has been approved for, your event location will be reassigned and you will receive an auto notification of this from 25Live. Additionally, The Office of Academic Services will do their best to find a room that is comparable to your original request.

Food and Drink Policy

Food and beverages are not allowed in District facilities without prior approval by Administrative Services. Food and/or beverages are not allowed in the gymnasium at any time. Smoking is not permitted in any building on campus.

Alcoholic beverages are not permitted in any form on college property at any time with the exception of Foundation events and permitted events at Veterans Stadium. If any alcoholic beverages are found on any individual, group or organization, College Police and/or District administrators will be called and, if necessary, the event canceled.


If your event will no longer be taking place; it is important to cancel the event in 25Live and thus release the room and any associated service requests as soon as you can.  In the event, that you are unable to cancel in 25Live, please contact OAS be emailing the name, date & time of your event to 25live@lbcc.edu.

Condition of Room

You may change the room setup to accommodate your event if the space allows for it. However, before you leave the room it is your responsibility to return the room to its original layout.  It is the responsibility of the room requestor to ensure that the room is left in good condition. Most importantly: please remember to turn off the projectors before you vacate the room.

All trash must be cleaned up and disposed of at the end of an event.   The room requestor is held responsible for the condition in which the rooms are left.

Reservation Request Turnaround Time

Turnaround time for room assignment is typically provided within 48-business hours.  If a room assignment has not taken place within 48-business hours; feel free to contact the Location Scheduler directly and/or the Office of Academic Services.

Immediate Room Issues

For immediate facilities issues with ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵrooms, please contact Facilities & Maintenance.

For immediate Audio Visual/Multi Media issues within ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵrooms, please contact Multimedia Equipment Services and Support.

25 Live User Guidelines

In an effort to keep the security and quality of the 25Live program intact; the following guidelines have been developed.  Please make every effort to help us keep our campus spaces appropriate for quality learning at all times by both reviewing & following the below guiding principles when using 25Live.

  • All space on the ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵ campus belongs to the Long Beach Community College District.  The College will allocate and reassign space to best support and further the College’s academic mission and priorities. The VP of Academic Affairs retains ultimate oversight of all classroom spaces.  In any space assignment, ownership is not implied by occupancy, nor should it be inferred.
  • If space being requested is available and the event is appropriate for the space, then the designated Location Scheduler should approve the space request.
  • Users must check room for reservability before submitting an event reservation.
  • All space requests will be approved or denied by the designated area approvers within two business days. If immediate approval is needed, please contact the designated Location Scheduler directly.
  • The Academic Calendar prioritizes the scheduling of all College facilities.The initial scheduling of courses in academic venues takes priority over all other scheduling. 
  • It is the responsibility of the event requestor/organizer to ensure appropriate setup details and services have been arranged and confirmed for their event.
  • If a non-classroom space has been approved for an event, such as a conference room, all effort should be made to keep the space reserved. All space in the district is district property, and no area should appropriate preferential treatment for conference rooms and event spaces, including the area that is handing reservations approval. Non-classroom spaces are reserved first-come, first-serve.  If an approved non-classroom space reservation must be cancelled or changed due to an unforeseen conflict or issue, the location scheduler for the space needs to contact the requester to communicate the issue at least 48 hours in advance.
  • For reservations in classrooms, classes take priority, and reservations can be changed at any time. If an event is being advertised in print media that is utilizing one or more classrooms, it is recommended to specify the campus and building and not the room numbers, in case the event needs to be moved.  If event details are being mailed, and the event is using classroom space, and requires fixed room numbers, the Vice President of Academic Affairs must approve an override to prevent classes from using the classroom space.  This will require Academic Services to carefully monitor these spaces during the term, and notify academic departments that the classroom space has been reserved for a special event. This type of reservation can impact classroom usage for the entire term, and ultimately impact students.
  • All event spaces are reserved as is, unless a request is made to the Facilities Events office to provide event setup support. Space requestors/event organizers are responsible for the set up and tear down of their events unless other arrangements have been agreed to by the Facilities Events office.  If the Facilities Events office is providing setup/takedown support for an event, it will require extra time before and after the event to perform the setup/takedown activity.  All space requestors/event organizers are responsible for the condition and usability of the space once the event has ended. Failure to do so could preclude future space reservation privileges by said space requestor/event organizer.
  • If you do not hold your event, please be courteous and cancel your reservation through 25Live. If you are unable to do so, please send an email to 25live@lbcc.edu with the date/time of the event you wish to cancel.
  • The following issues could create quality control issues and may result in the loss of scheduling privileges within 25Live:
  1. Not restoring the room to original layout, cleanliness and general order.
  2. Providing false event information.
  3. Altering reservations that don’t belong to you without prior approval.
  4. Reserving rooms in unrealistic excess.
  5. Sharing an account with a user that has not been permitted access.