First-Time DSPS Students

ƵFirst-Time DSPS Students

How to Get Registered

Students enrolled at the College who have a disability that limits one or more major life functions, have a history of receiving accommodations, or who suspect they may have a learning disability are encouraged to seek services from DSPS.

Students seeking accommodations must first complete a DSP&S Orientation. The DSP&S Orientation is now accessible via students’ Viking Student System. For more information on how to access the online DSP&S Orientation, students should call the DSP&S Office or email:

At the conclusion of the DSP&S Orientation, students will be asked to complete and pass an untimed five-question quiz with at least an 80%. Students will have an unlimited number of attempts to complete the quiz. Once the student has completed the quiz with an 80% or higher, they can contact (562) 938-4558 or (562) 938- 3921 to schedule a remote intake appointment with a DSP&S counselor.

At the time of the remote intake done via SARS-Zoom, phone, or in-person appointment a student will partake in an interactive process with a DSPS Certificated staff member.

What should students bring to the intake?

  • Students that have documentation of their disability are highly encouraged to bring any documentation regarding their disability, testing, or history of accommodations.
  • Students that would like to be tested for a Learning Disability must complete the LD Screening Questionnaire and bring it completed at the time of their intake appointment.
  • Students that do not have documentation can still meet with a DSPS Counselor and engage in the interactive process.

DSPS Academic Services

Academic Counseling

Students that have a question regarding their current course enrollment, maintaining grades, requirements, etc. can schedule a meeting with a DSPS Counselor. The appointment length is typically 30 minutes.

Career Counseling

Students that need assistance to plan their career or with career exploration can schedule a meeting with a DSPS Counselor. The appointment length is typically 30 minutes.

Disability Management

Students that encounter an issue pertaining to the implementation or requesting of their accommodation can schedule a meeting with a DSPS Counselor. The appointment length is typically 30 minutes.

Online Academic Counseling

DSPS Students can book online appointments via the DSPS website or via phone by calling (562) 938-4558 or (562) 938-3921. The appointment length is typically 30 or 60 minutes depending on the appointment type.

Personal Counseling

Students that would like to speak about a personal issue can schedule a meeting with a DSPS Counselor; however, this is not to serve as a clinical appointment such as those offered at Student Health Services. The appointment length is typically 30 minutes.

Probation Counseling

Students that are on academic probation, have received poor grades or who are having trouble with completion should meet with their DSPS counselor as soon as possible. The appointment length is typically 30 minutes.

Student Education Plan

All students should complete a Student Education Plan as soon as possible after the completion of their intake. If you are a continuing Ƶstudent and have already completed an Education Plan prior to your registration with DSPS, you do not need to complete a new one. However, you should verify that your Education Plan is current and a comprehensive plan. The appointment length is typically 60 minutes.

Learning Disability Assessment

If a student believes they may have a learning disability, they should contact DSPS to initiate the learning disability assessment process. During the learning disability assessment process, the student will review the current limitations they have identified and their historical learning patterns. If the student is referred to be tested, they will meet with an LD Specialist who will administer a cognitive and achievement measure to determine if they meet eligibility for having a learning disability.

DSPS Accommodations

Please note that some accommodations may have altered in the process due to the remote learning platform.
Adaptive Furniture

Accessible Furniture in classrooms is an accommodation approved by DSPS on an individual basis through an interactive process between a DSPS counselor and the student. It is approved by DSPS for students whose functional limitations impose limitations such as sitting, standing or any other limitation resulting in the student being unable to utilize furniture issued by the College.

Accessible furniture accommodations include non-standard classroom furniture or reserved seating in specific locations within the classroom. For example, in the front of the classroom or exits.

Alternate Media

Students with qualifying disabilities who are unable to read or interpret standard printed material may have classroom materials converted into alternative formats. This includes Braille, audiotape, e-text, and large print.

A student is approved for the alternate media accommodation after completion of an intake meeting with a DSPS Counselor. Based on the student’s functional limitations, the DSPS Counselor determines if the accommodation is warranted and authorizes the appropriate type of alternate media.

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices may be used by students with hearing impairments. The assistive listening device enables students to hear lectures more clearly through the use of a microphone, transmitter, and receiver. The instructor speaks into the microphone, which transmits directly into the student’s receiver using FM radio waves. The assistive listening device does not amplify sounds from the classroom.

Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system used by individuals with disabilities in order to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Assistive technology can include mobility devices such as walkers and wheelchairs as well as hardware, software, and peripherals that assist people with disabilities in accessing computers or other information technologies.

At LBCC, students can qualify for the use of assistive technology software if through the interactive process with a certified staff member, it is determined that the student’s disability imposes a functional limitation that limits their ability to complete academic tasks such as notetaking, typing, or reading computer screens. 

Currently, Ƶhas the following assistive technology programs available for student use:

  • Kurzweil
  • JAWS
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Sonocent Audio Notetaker
  • Livescribe Pens
Flexible Deadlines

If a student has a qualifying documented disability that impairs one’s ability to meet short term deadlines or whose symptomology includes unpredictable/ cyclical acute episodes, then a modification for extended time on course assignments may be a reasonable accommodation. Flexible deadlines as an accommodation should be established with a DSPS Counselor at the beginning of the semester (or as soon as possible thereafter). If a “Flexible Deadline” accommodation is approved, it will be reflected on the student’s Academic Accommodation Plan.

DSPS promotes good time and project management skills as well as effective decision-making; therefore, this accommodation is not in response to inefficiencies in these areas. Additionally, this accommodation does not allow students to miss class or receive extensions when it is unwarranted.

In-Class Aide

An in-class aide is a student worker or other college personal that is assigned to perform academic-related tasks in order to ensure that the registered DSPS student has access to classroom content.

Students are approved for the in-class aide accommodation if their disability imposes physical or visual limitations that will not allow the student to fully engage in the classroom.

Duties of an in-class aide may include setting up materials, execution of labs directed by the student, and describing visual work presented in the classroom.

Interpreter Services

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing can be approved for interpreter services. Interpreters can be Sign language Interpreters or CART captioners.

Note Taking Services

In-class notetaking service is for students whose disabilities limit them from taking effective notes. The disability may be physical (e.g. loss of limb, hearing loss) or cognitive (e.g. learning disability, brain injury, ADHD) in nature. A volunteer note taker is a student registered in the same class that notetaking is being requested. Volunteer note takers apply through the online service portal and agree to perform the duties of a note taker outlined in the portal.

Priority Enrollment

Priority enrollment is an accommodation that is approved when determined necessary to allow a student with a chronic documented disability to have access to a schedule that accommodates their specific disability-related needs. Priority enrollment requests are reviewed and approved by the DSPS on an individual, case-by-case basis through an interactive process between the DSPS certificated staff and the student.

Eligibility for this accommodation is based on appropriate documentation or determination of a disability and an evident link between the functional limitations of that disability and the need for Priority Enrollment as accommodation in order to allow the student equal access to the educational experience.

Real-time Captioning

Real-Time Captioning is accommodation available to students who are Deaf or hard of hearing. A real-time captioner transmits the spoken word to print using a specialized keyboard and software system. The transcript of what is being said appears on a computer monitor for the student’s viewing. Students approved for Real-Time Captioning are required to not share transcripts with other students, and the transcripts are only to be used in the context of studying for the course

Testing Accommodations

The DSPS offers proctoring services for students who require alternative test-taking conditions. Depending upon the student’s functional limitations, exam accommodations may include an exam in an alternative format (Braille, large print, etc.), additional time, one-on-one assistance (reader or writer), a private exam room, or a separate testing environment.

Students taking exams via the DSPS Proctoring Center will be held to the exam parameters as those in the lecture hall.