Another Headline Year for Vikings at Journalism Competition
ƵViking staff captures 12 awards at JACC Conference

Student Highlights
ƵJournalism Award winners.

Ƶ recently captured 12 awards at the Journalism Association of Community Colleges (JACC) Southern California Regional Conference.

The Viking News student newspaper won general excellence twice - in the print edition category and in the online edition category. General excellence is the top prize awarded to the top 15 percent of competitors at the regional conference.

​”We’re really proud of the work and effort we put into our publications,” said Abel Reyes, the Viking editor in chief. “These awards represent two semesters of long hours, growth and teamwork on the part of our staff.”

In addition, Ƶtook home 10 individual awards.

This is a year-long competition, which includes the work of former staff members, many of whom were part of the program’s largest-ever graduating class in June of 2019, and members of the current staff.

Here is the complete list of honors for Ƶat the JACC:

General Excellence

  • Viking News print edition
  • Viking News online edition

First Place

  • News photo, Sydney Fredericks-Selby
  • Photo illustration, Andrea Ramos

Third Place

  • News photo, Sydney Fredericks-Selby 
  • Opinion story, Sabriyya Ghanizada
  • Informational graphic, Iman Palm
  • Photo illustration, Cassandra Reichelt
  • Magazine illustration, Alyssa Vega

Fourth Place

  • Magazine profile article, Anna Karkalik

Honorable Mention

  • Magazine photo essay, Anna Karkalik and Alyssa Vega