Music Majors


Music Majors for Transfer Students

The goal of the Music major program is to prepare students for transfer to a university music program, by completing the requirements for the Music degree at LBCC. The requirements for the degree will provide the academic and audition preparation necessary for a successful transfer.

  • Applied Lessons (Music 92AD) provides music majors (Classical or Jazz) with private lessons on their primary instrument: piano, voice, guitar, woodwind, brass, string, or percussion.
  • Each music major is required to perform solo repertoire twice per semester and stand for a jury before the faculty at the end of each semester.
  • Sophomore recitals are reserved for those who reach Sophomore standing in their jury exam, have at least 3 semesters of Music 92AD, and will register for Music 17.

ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵstudents from Music Major

Any prior theory coursework—completed at ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵor another college—can be applied to your degree and applied requirements.

Requirements: Auditions

To major in music, you must audition into Applied Lessons (Music 92AD). Before signing up for an audition, you must complete the program application below.

After completing the application, . Dates and times are listed on the form. For your audition prepare the following:

  • Perform two songs or instrumental excerpts or short pieces of contrasting style – details of repertoire below. For the sake of time, you may be asked to stop your second selection part way through.
  • Pitch-matching, singing a short melody, clapping a short rhythm.

Program-Specific Audition Details

Classical Vocalists

This should (preferably) include two songs, one in English and one other language (Italian, German, or French).

Classical Instrumentalists

This should include two pieces, excerpts, or movements in contrasting styles.

Classical Percussionists

Two pieces or excerpts including (preferably) mallets and snare or timpani.

Jazz Vocalists/Instrumentalists

This should include two jazz standards, with one being a medium to up-tempo swing with vocal improvisation, and one ballad or slow Bossa Nova.

Jazz Percussionists

One solo excerpt, as well as the ability to perform standard Jazz beat patterns, including Latin.

*An accompanist is provided; please provide any necessary copies for the accompanist at the time of the audition.


  • Theory and Musicianship courses can be taken in sequence at any time; being a music major (Music 92AD – Applied Music) is not required.
  • Once you decide to be a music major, being in Music 92AD does require co-enrollment in the theory sequence courses.

Here are the minimum requirements to begin and remain in the program: 

  Semester 1 Semester
Semester 3 Semester 4 Semester 5 (Optional)
Theory 6 6
(Unless prior enrollment)
1a 1b 2a
Musicianship   5 9 10 16
  • Any break in the theory courses (not enrolling, or not passing with a minimum C grade) could potentially put a semester pause on your applied enrollment until you are back on track with your theory requirements. This is determined case-by-case, as your Music 92AD enrollment cannot proceed if you are behind on your theory program progress.
  • Completing Music 6 (or AP music theory with a score of at least 3; requires an ÃÈÃÃÊÓƵCredit By Exam) is ideal to begin the program, as you could finish within two years. Taking Music 5 requires prior music reading knowledge and performance experience—please speak with the instructor for guidance.