Risk Management


Risk Management

The Risk Management Office focuses on safety of the college, its staff, students and visitors. When an injury occurs, our job is to ensure proper care to the injured person. Our functions  involve the establishment of Workers’ Compensation claims, Liability and Property Claims.​Our office is here to answer questions you may have regarding Workers’ Compensation Claims, Liability, Property and Insurance Policies. Along with student insurance claims, subpoenas and requests for certificates of insurance.

Areas of Responsibility

  • Measures or assesses risk, then develops strategies
  • Oversees workers’ compensation, property, and general liability programs
  • Investigates and coordinates all claims with the District’s third-party administrator
  • Oversees employee ergonomic evaluations and assessment
  • Identifies hazards and safety issues, and safety training
  • Maintains all Cal-Osha Mandated programs
  • Manages accident insurance for classroom students and athletes
  • Work experience Agreements
  • Certificates of Insurance
  • Subpoenas – Deliver them or email them to Roberta Maroney at rmaroney@lbcc.edu or 4901 East Carson Street, G4, Long Beach, CA 90808

Company Nurse Injury Hotline

This program is available 24 hours per day, seven days per week. When you encounter a workplace injury, the manager and injured employee will call the Company Nurse Hotline as soon as possible after the injury/incident occurs. Here’s how it works:

  1. If the injury is an emergency call, 911.
  2. The injured worker will contact their supervisor if it’s not a medical emergency.
  3. The injured worker will report the incident to their immediate supervisor and their supervisor will instruct them to call the Company Nurse at 1-877-518-6702 and provide search code: LBCCD. If the supervisor is unavailable, the employee can call the Company Nurse directly. 
  4. An injury Care Coordinator records the injury and incident information.
  5. After speaking to the Care Coordinator, the call will be transferred to a registered nurse to determine what kind of treatment, if any, is necessary for the injured employee based on their conversation.

Once the employee receives telephonic first aid advice from a registered nurse or before they go to the clinic the supervisor will provide the Workers’ Compensation incident forms to be filled out and sent back to Iliana Nkila at inkila@lbcc.edu. The forms can be found at .

Download Injury Hotline Flyer

If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please contact Iliana Nkila at (562) 938-4038.